Does sensorimotor function predict graft rupture, contra-lateral injury or failure to return to sports after ACL reconstruction? A protocol for the STOP Graft Rupture studyAnna Cronström, Eva Ageberg, Charlotte K Häger
8 January 2021
Insufficient evidence to support peroneus longus tendon over other autografts for primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a systematic reviewTheodorakys Marín Fermín, Jean Michel Hovsepian, Panagiotis D Symeonidis, Ioannis Terzidis, Emmanouil Theodorus Papakostas
23 December 2020
Different anterolateral procedures have variable impact on knee kinematics and stability when performed in combination with anterior cruciate ligament reconstructionThomas Neri, Danè Dabirrahmani, Aaron Beach, Samuel Grasso, Sven Putnis, Takeshi Oshima, Joseph Cadman, Brian Devitt, Myles Coolican, Brett Fritsch, Richard Appleyard, David Parker
24 November 2020
Strength deficits and flexion range of motion following primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction differ between quadriceps and hamstring autograftsPeta T Johnston, Julian A Feller, Jodie A McClelland, Kate E Webster
3 November 2020
Hospital readmission after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysisLong Shao, Di Wu, Jia-Ying Li, Xiang-Dong Wu, Xi Zhou, Gui-Xing Qiu, Changqi Luo, Peng-Cheng Xiao, Jia-Cheng Liu, Wei Huang
16 October 2020
Psychological, social and contextual factors across recovery stages following a sport-related knee injury: a scoping reviewLinda K Truong, Amber D Mosewich, Christopher J Holt, Christina Y Le, Maxi Miciak, Jackie L Whittaker
17 September 2020
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction failure and revision surgery: current conceptsSantiago Pache, Juan Del Castillo, Gilbert Moatshe, Robert F LaPrade
16 September 2020
Activity and functional readiness, not age, are the critical factors for second anterior cruciate ligament injury — the Delaware-Oslo ACL cohort studyHege Grindem, Lars Engebretsen, Michael Axe, Lynn Snyder-Mackler, May Arna Risberg
1 September 2020
Selected Abstracts from the 12th Biennial ISAKOS Congress6 August 2020
Clinical outcomes after anterior cruciate ligament injury: Panther Symposium ACL Injury Clinical Outcomes Consensus GroupEleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Kate E Webster, Jón Karlsson, Theresa Diermeier, Benjamin B Rothrauff, Sean J Meredith, Thomas Rauer, James J Irrgang, Kurt P Spindler, C Benjamin Ma, Volker Musahl, Freddie H Fu, Olufemi R Ayeni, Francesco Della VillaSee the full list of authors
22 July 2020