Early ACL reconstruction is required to prevent additional knee injury: a misconception not supported by high-quality evidenceStephanie Rose Filbay
30 October 2018
Younger age and greater preoperative function predict compliance with 2-year follow-up visits after ACL reconstruction: an analysis of the PIVOT multicentre trialJayson Lian, João Victor Novaretti, Neel K Patel, Adam C Popchak, Ryosuke Kuroda, Stefano Zaffagnini, Kristian Samuelsson, Volker Musahl, Andrew Sheean, Jeremy M Burnham, Jayson Lian, Clair Smith, Adam Popchak, Elmar Herbst, Thomas PfeifferSee the full list of authors
17 September 2018
Epidemiology of injuries in judo: a cross-sectional survey of severe injuries based on time loss and reduction in sporting levelRalph Akoto, Christophe Lambert, Maurice Balke, Bertil Bouillon, Karl-Heinz Frosch, Jürgen Höher
17 August 2018
Factors that affect patient reported outcome after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction–a systematic review of the Scandinavian knee ligament registersEric Hamrin Senorski, Eleonor Svantesson, Angelo Baldari, Olufemi R Ayeni, Lars Engebretsen, Francesco Franceschi, Jón Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson
20 July 2018
Factors associated with additional anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and register comparison: a systematic review on the Scandinavian knee ligament registersEleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Angelo Baldari, Olufemi R. Ayeni, Lars Engebretsen, Francesco Franceschi, Jon Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson
17 July 2018
Mechanisms of ACL injury in professional rugby union: a systematic video analysis of 36 casesConnor Montgomery, Jeff Blackburn, Daniel Withers, Gregory Tierney, Cathal Moran, Ciaran Simms
16 July 2018
Review of Shino et al (1984) on anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using allograft in the dogHiroki Katagiri, Hideyuki Koga, Takeshi Muneta
25 June 2018
Anterior cruciate ligament injuries result in a larger functional deficit in fighting sport athletes: comparison of functional status among different sport typesKanehiro Hiyama, Yusuke Nakagawa, Toshiyuki Ohara, Takeshi Muneta, Toshifumi Watanabe, Masafumi Horie, Koji Otabe, Hiroki Katagiri, Kenta Katagiri, Mai Katakura, Takashi Hoshino, Hiroko Ueki, Kei Inomata, Naoko Araya, Ichiro SekiyaSee the full list of authors
25 June 2018
ACL graft selection: state of the artHideyuki Koga, Stefano Zaffagnini, Alan M Getgood, Takeshi Muneta
25 June 2018
Natural corollaries and recovery after acute ACL injury: the NACOX cohort study protocolJoanna Kvist, Håkan Gauffin, Hanna Tigerstrand Grevnerts, Clare Ardern, Martin Hägglund, Anders Stålman, Richard Frobell, Michael A Bowes, Victor Casula, Anna Fahlgren, Anne Fältström, Johan Kihlberg, Barbro Krevers, Maria Lindblom, Per MagnussonSee the full list of authors
23 June 2018