Flat flexible school shoes for adolescents with patellofemoral pain: a randomised, assessor-blinded, parallel-group feasibility trialNatalie Mazzella, Aaron Fox, Danielle Trowell, Natalie Saunders, Bill Vicenzino, Jason Bonacci
8 November 2023
Use, tolerability, benefits and side effects of orthotic devices in Charcot-Marie-Tooth diseaseAlessandro Bertini, Fiore Manganelli, Gian Maria Fabrizi, Angelo Schenone, Lucio Santoro, Tiziana Cavallaro, Matteo Tagliapietra, Marina Grandis, Stefano Carlo Previtali, Yuri Matteo Falzone, Isabella Allegri, Luca Padua, Costanza Pazzaglia, Irene Tramacere, Eleonora CavalcaSee the full list of authors
2 November 2023
The fear of developing knee OA after a traumatic knee injury - and how to prevent it?Christina Y Le, Tjerk Sleeswijk Visser
27 October 2023
Running footwear matters: decoding the influence of running shoe characteristics on physiology, biomechanics and running performance (PhD Academy Award)Víctor Rodrigo Carranza
27 October 2023
Efficacy of pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies on pain intensity and disability for plantar fasciitis: a systematic review and meta-analysisBianca Martins Lourenço, Mariana Gabrich Moraes Campos, Laísa Maia, Brenda Castro, Renato Guilherme Trede, Vinícius Cunha Oliveira
24 August 2023
Barriers and facilitators to implementation of musculoskeletal injury mitigation programmes for military service members around the world: a scoping reviewGarrett S Bullock, Carolyn E Dartt, Emily A Ricker, Joanne L Fallowfield, Nigel Arden, Daniel Clifton, Kerry Danelson, John J Fraser, Christina Gomez, Tina A Greenlee, Alexandria Gregory, Timothy Gribbin, Justin Losciale, Joseph M Molloy, Kristen F NicholsonSee the full list of authors
23 August 2023
Matt Morgan: How to run a bath without losing waterMatt Morgan
15 August 2023
Symptoms of eating disorders and low energy availability in recreational active female runnersElin Karlsson, Marie Alricsson, Anna Melin
18 July 2023
Externally validated machine learning algorithm accurately predicts medial tibial stress syndrome in military trainees: a multicohort studyAngus Shaw, Phil Newman, Jeremy Witchalls, Tristan Hedger
13 June 2023
Exercise-related abdominal complaints in a large cohort of runners: a survey with a particular focus on nutritionA Mireille Baart, Rieneke Terink, Johannes Zwerver, Ben J M Witteman, Marco Mensink
2 June 2023