Is 9 months the sweet spot for male athletes to return to sport after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction?Roula Kotsifaki, Enda King, Roald Bahr, Rod Whiteley
26 February 2025
Baseline clinical and MRI risk factors for hamstring reinjury showing the value of performing baseline MRI and delaying return to play: a multicentre, prospective cohort of 330 acute hamstring injuriesMuhammad Ikhwan Zein, Milo J K Mokkenstorm, Marco Cardinale, Louis Holtzhausen, Rod Whiteley, Maarten H Moen, Guus Reurink, Johannes L Tol, Emad Almusa, Roald Bahr, Sita M A Bierma-Zeinstra, Sirine Boukarroum, Stan Buckens, Hakim Chalabi, Cristiano EiraleSee the full list of authors
1 July 2024
Navigating the ‘new normal’: what guidelines exist for postpartum return to physical activity and sport? A scoping reviewJenna M Schulz, Hana Marmura, Chloe M Hewitt, Laura J Parkinson, Jane S Thornton
28 October 2023
Call for the application of a biopsychosocial and interdisciplinary approach to the return-to-sport framework of snow sports athletesPhilippe O Müller, Jim Taylor, Matthew J Jordan, Johannes Scherr, Evert Verhagen, Dave Collins, Jörg Spörri
17 August 2023
Improving the quality of rehabilitation following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery, in an outpatient physiotherapy departmentMichael Henning, Rose Henning, Joe Dummett
31 July 2023
Generalised joint hypermobility leads to increased odds of sustaining a second ACL injury within 12 months of return to sport after ACL reconstructionBálint Zsidai, Ramana Piussi, Roland Thomeé, David Sundemo, Volker Musahl, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
16 May 2023
Assessment of return to play after an acute shoulder injury: protocol for an explorative prospective observational German multicentre studyEduard Kurz, Hendrik Bloch, Ines Buchholz, Dirk Maier, Arthur Praetorius, Sebastian Seyler, Susanne Standtke, Leonard Achenbach
3 February 2023
Unilateral tests of lower-limb function as prognostic indicators of future knee-related outcomes following anterior cruciate ligament injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 13 150 adolescents and adultsThomas J West, Andrea M Bruder, Kay M Crossley, Adam G Culvenor
20 January 2023
London International Consensus and Delphi study on hamstring injuries part 1: classificationBruce M Paton, Nick Court, Michael Giakoumis, Paul Head, Babar Kayani, Sam Kelly, Gino M M J Kerkhoffs, James Moore, Peter Moriarty, Simon Murphy, Ricci Plastow, Noel Pollock, Paul Read, Ben Stirling, Laura TullochSee the full list of authors
17 January 2023
London International Consensus and Delphi study on hamstring injuries part 2: operative managementRicci Plastow, Gino M M J Kerkhoffs, David Wood, Bruce M Paton, Babar Kayani, Noel Pollock, Nick Court, Michael Giakoumis, Paul Head, Sam Kelly, James Moore, Peter Moriarty, Simon Murphy, Paul Read, Ben StirlingSee the full list of authors
17 January 2023