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Pregnancy in Sport and Exercise

Showing results 31 - 40 of 100

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Effect of a prepartum and postpartum, complex interdisciplinary lifestyle and psychosocial intervention on metabolic and mental health outcomes in women with gestational diabetes mellitus (the MySweetheart trial): randomised, single centred, blinded, controlled trial
Dan Yedu Quansah, Leah Gilbert, Amar Arhab, Elena Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Didier Hans, Justine Gross, Stefano Lanzi, Bobby Stuijfzand, Alain Lacroix, Antje Horsch, Jardena J Puder, Amar Arhab, Pascal Bovet, Arnaud Chiolero, Stefano Di BernardoSee the full list of authors

7 February 2024