#ReadyToPlay: health problems in women’s football–a two-season prospective cohort study in the Norwegian premier leagueRoar Amundsen, Solveig Thorarinsdottir, Benjamin Clarsen, Thor Einar Andersen, Merete Møller, Roald Bahr
15 November 2023
Performing Nordic hamstring strength testing with additional weight affects the maximal eccentric force measured: do not compare apples to orangesRoar Amundsen, Merete Møller, Roald Bahr
8 November 2023
Titin copy number variations associated with dominant inherited phenotypesAurélien Perrin, Corinne Métay, Marco Savarese, Rabah Ben Yaou, German Demidov, Isabelle Nelson, Guilhem Solé, Yann Péréon, Enrico Silvio Bertini, Fabiana Fattori, Adele D'Amico, Federica Ricci, Mira Ginsberg, Andreea Seferian, Odile Boespflug-TanguySee the full list of authors
7 November 2023
Non-coding CGG repeat expansion in LOC642361/NUTM2B-AS1 is associated with a phenotype of oculopharyngodistal myopathyXinyu Gu, Jiaxi Yu, Kexin Jiao, Jianwen Deng, Xingyu Xia, Kai Qiao, Dongyue Yue, Mingshi Gao, Chongbo Zhao, Jihong Dong, Gongchun Huang, Jingli Shan, Chuanzhu Yan, Li Di, Yuwei DaSee the full list of authors
3 November 2023
Prepare to fail or failing to prepare? Acute performance after the 11+ with and without strength exercisesVarg Ringdal Støvland, Roar Amundsen, Gøran Paulsen, Torstein Dalen-Lorentsen
2 November 2023
Injury mechanisms and situational patterns of severe lower limb muscle injuries in male professional football (soccer) players: a systematic video analysis study on 103 casesFrancesco Della Villa, Bruno Massa, Antonio Bortolami, Gianni Nanni, Jesus Olmo, Matthew Buckthorpe
28 October 2023
Myoedema: a forgotten sign in acute colchicine myopathySi Le Tri, Khang Nguyen Vinh, Tinh Quang Dang, Thirugnanam Umapathi
10 October 2023
Injury incidence in male elite youth football players is associated with preceding levels and changes in training loadTania Nilsson, Mats Börjesson, Matilda Lundblad, Andreas Ivarsson, Dan Fransson
6 October 2023
Intramuscular lesions in musculoskeletal MRI as a favourable prognostic sign in patients with anti-MDA5 antibody-positive dermatomyositisYohsuke Oto, Ken Yoshida, Takeshi Fukuda, Taiki Fukuda, Taro Ukichi, Kentaro Noda, Haruyasu Ito, Daitaro Kurosaka
28 August 2023
Differences in psychological readiness for return to sport after anterior cruciate ligament injury is evident in thigh musculature motor unit characteristicsNathan D Schilaty, April L McPherson, Takashi Nagai, Nathaniel A Bates
5 July 2023