OP0051 Relationship Between Physical Activity and Hip Pain in Persons with and Without Femoroacetabular Impingement: A Population-Based Case-Control StudyJ.A. Kopec, L.C. Li, C. Zhang, M. Barber, H. Qian, H. Wong, H. Prlic, C. Ratzlaff, J. Cibere, E.C. Sayre, J. Ye, B. Forster, J. Esdaile
1 June 2015
Doha agreement meeting on terminology and definitions in groin pain in athletesAdam Weir, Peter Brukner, Eamonn Delahunt, Jan Ekstrand, Damian Griffin, Karim M Khan, Greg Lovell, William C Meyers, Ulrike Muschaweck, John Orchard, Hannu Paajanen, Marc Philippon, Gilles Reboul, Philip Robinson, Anthony G SchacheSee the full list of authors
1 June 2015
Which factors differentiate athletes with hip/groin pain from those without? A systematic review with meta-analysisAndrea B Mosler, Rintje Agricola, Adam Weir, Per Hölmich, Kay M Crossley
1 June 2015
The relationship between the frequency of football practice during skeletal growth and the presence of a cam deformity in adult elite football playersIgor Tak, Adam Weir, Rob Langhout, Jan Hendrik Waarsing, Janine Stubbe, Gino Kerkhoffs, Rintje Agricola
7 January 2015
Diagnostic accuracy of clinical tests for the diagnosis of hip femoroacetabular impingement/labral tear: a systematic review with meta-analysisM P Reiman, A P Goode, C E Cook, P Hölmich, K Thorborg
16 December 2014
Physical impairments and activity limitations in people with femoroacetabular impingement: a systematic reviewLaura E Diamond, Fiona L Dobson, Kim L Bennell, Tim V Wrigley, Paul W Hodges, Rana S Hinman
22 September 2014
What is the relationship between groin pain in athletes and femoroacetabular impingement?M Ferguson, J Patricios
1 July 2014
FRI0207 Prevalence of Femoroacetabular Impingement in Caucasians Compared to Chinese in Vancouver, Canada: A Population-Based StudyL.C. Li, J.A. Kopec, H. Wong, H. Qian, J. Cibere, E.C. Sayre, C. Zhang, M. Barber, J. Ye, H. Prlic, J.M. Esdaile
1 June 2014
Femoroacetabular impingement: prevention or intervention? The sports physician's quandaryJ Cakic, J Patricios
23 May 2014
Hip chondropathy at arthroscopy: prevalence and relationship to labral pathology, femoroacetabular impingement and patient-reported outcomesJoanne L Kemp, Michael Makdissi, Anthony G Schache, Michael G Pritchard, Thomas C B Pollard, Kay M Crossley
21 March 2014