273 Profile of injuries and illness in elite Pakistan cricketers: a longitudinal injury surveillance study over a season (52-weeks)Shane Hayes, Nirmala Perera
23 November 2021
041 Risk factors for dominant shoulder injury in elite female Australian cricket players: a prospective studyMyles Murphy, Paola Chivers, Kate Mahony, Andrea Mosler
23 November 2021
040 Injuries are negatively associated with team performance in professional cricketLuke Goggins, Nicholas Peirce, Steve Griffin, Ben Langley, Keith Stokes, Carly McKay, Sean Williams
23 November 2021
274 Risk factors associated with anxiety and depression in professional cricketersSharief Hendricks, Nur Amino, Ruan Schlebusch, JP Van Wyk, Stephen Mellalieu, Vincent Gouttebarge
23 November 2021
276 Epidemiology of hospital treated cricket-related hand injuries over a 5-year period in victoria, AustraliaKarishma Shah, Nirmala Perera
23 November 2021
272 National teams world tournament performance is positively influenced by lower injury burden in international cricket over the 1-year prior to tournamentShane Hayes
23 November 2021
Injury incidence within male elite New Zealand cricket from the early T20 era: 2009–2015Timofei Dovbysh, Duncan Reid, Dayle Shackel
19 November 2021
Physical activity and sedentary behaviour in current and former recreational and elite cricketers: a cross-sectional studyNirmala K Panagodage-Perera, Garrett Scott Bullock, Nigel K Arden, Stephanie R Filbay
3 November 2021
Batting against mental health in elite cricketHassan Jamaal Sadiq Mahmood, Daniel Jonah Friedman
26 October 2021
Kailash Chand: general practitioner, NHS campaigner, and medical politicianRebecca Wallersteiner
18 August 2021