Infographic. Managing a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case: a guide for sportsAlan Rankin, Neil Heron
20 November 2020
Return to sport for North American professional sport leagues in the context of COVID-19John P DiFiori, Gary Green, Willem Meeuwisse, Margot Putukian, Gary S Solomon, Allen Sills
23 September 2020
Infographic. Stay physically active during COVID-19 with exercise as medicineIsaac J Wedig, Tristan A Duelge, Steven J Elmer
23 October 2020
Infographic. Clinical recommendations for return to play during the COVID-19 pandemicHerbert Löllgen, Norbert Bachl, Theodora Papadopoulou, Andrew Shafik, Graham Holloway, Karin Vonbank, Nigel Edward Jones, Xavier Bigard, David Niederseer, Joachim Meyer, Borja Muniz-Pardos, Andre Debruyne, Petra Zupet, Jürgen M Steinacker, Bernd WolfarthSee the full list of authors
3 September 2020
In a global pandemic, sport and exercise medicine can mean so much moreJane S Thornton, Karim M Khan
3 March 2021
Infectious Diseases Outbreak Management Tool for endurance mass participation sporting events: an international effort to counteract the COVID-19 spread in the endurance sport settingPaolo Emilio Adami, John Cianca, Brian McCloskey, Wayne Derman, Juergen Michael Steinacker, Francis O'Connor, Sergio Migliorini, Richard Budgett, Fumihiro Yamasawa, Inggard Lereim, Xavier Bigard, Chris Troyanos, Frederic Garrandes, Stephane Bermon
20 August 2020
Team sport in a COVID-19 world. A catastrophe in waiting, or an opportunity for community sport to evolve and further enhance population health?Steffan A Griffin, Amy Mendham, Peter Krustrup, Andrew Murray, Nicholas Peirce, Jo Larkin, Rod Jaques, Charlotte M Cowie, Keith A Stokes, Simon PT Kemp
4 August 2020
Infographic. Cooling strategies to attenuate PPE-induced heat strain during the COVID-19 pandemicCoen CWG Bongers, Johannus Q de Korte, Milene Catoire, Job Greefhorst, Maria T E Hopman, Boris Kingma, Thijs M H Eijsvogels
10 June 2020
Sports medicine leaders working with government and public health to plan a ‘return-to-sport’ during the COVID-19 pandemic: the UK’s collaborative five-stage model for elite sportSimon Kemp, Charlotte M Cowie, Mark Gillett, Richard Higgins, Jerry Hill, Zafar Iqbal, Paul Jackson, Rod Jaques, Jo Larkin, Gemma Phillips, Nicholas Peirce, James Calder
13 July 2020
Is extensive cardiopulmonary screening useful in athletes with previous asymptomatic or mild SARS-CoV-2 infection?Salvatore Francesco Gervasi, Luca Pengue, Luca Damato, Riccardo Monti, Silvia Pradella, Tommaso Pirronti, Alessandro Bartoloni, Francesco Epifani, Alessio Saggese, Francesco Cuccaro, Massimiliano Bianco, Paolo Zeppilli, Vincenzo Palmieri
5 October 2020