A systematic review of criteria used to define recovery from sport-related concussion in youth athletesMohammad Nadir Haider, John J Leddy, Sonja Pavlesen, Melissa Kluczynski, John G Baker, Jeffrey C Miecznikowski, Barry S Willer
20 August 2018
Can visible signs predict concussion diagnosis in the National Hockey League?Ruben J Echemendia, Jared M Bruce, Willem Meeuwisse, Michael G Hutchison, Paul Comper, Mark Aubry
17 August 2018
Development of a risk prediction model among professional hockey players with visible signs of concussionJared M Bruce, Ruben J Echemendia, Willem Meeuwisse, Michael G Hutchison, Mark Aubry, Paul Comper
17 August 2018
Protocol for the mixed-methods development of a concussion-specific health-related quality of life outcome measure based on the international classification of functioning, disability and healthJacqueline van Ierssel, Heidi Sveistrup, Shawn Marshall
31 July 2018
Feasibility of a postacute structured aerobic exercise intervention following sport concussion in symptomatic adolescents: a randomised controlled studyRachel Micay, Doug Richards, Michael G Hutchison
12 July 2018
Concussion in sport: best from Berlin, direction from Dublin and gems from gridironMichael Makdissi, Jon Patricios
14 June 2018
National Football League Head, Neck and Spine Committee’s Concussion Diagnosis and Management Protocol: 2017-18 seasonRichard G Ellenbogen, Hunt Batjer, Javier Cardenas, Mitchel Berger, Julian Bailes, Elizabeth Pieroth, Robert Heyer, Nicholas Theodore, Wellington Hsu, Elizabeth Nabel, Joe Maroon, Robert Cantu, Ronnie Barnes, James Collins, Margot PutukianSee the full list of authors
14 June 2018
Prevention of sports injuries in children at school: a systematic review of policiesAnya Göpfert, Maria Van Hove, Alan Emond, Julie Mytton
4 June 2018
Influence of playing rugby on long-term brain health following retirement: a systematic review and narrative synthesisJoice Cunningham, Steven Broglio, Fiona Wilson
25 April 2018
Implementation of the 2017 Berlin Concussion in Sport Group Consensus Statement in contact and collision sports: a joint position statement from 11 national and international sports organisationsJon S Patricios, Clare L Ardern, Michael David Hislop, Mark Aubry, Paul Bloomfield, Carolyn Broderick, Patrick Clifton, Ruben J Echemendia, Richard G Ellenbogen, Éanna Cian Falvey, Gordon Ward Fuller, Julie Grand, Dallas Hack, Peter Rex Harcourt, David HughesSee the full list of authors
17 April 2018