Year-round longitudinal health surveillance in UK Olympic Summer Sport Athletes 2016–2019Craig Ranson, Moses Wootten, Anita Biswas, Lee Herrington, David Gallimore, Paul D Jackson, Abbie Taylor, Simon Spencer, James Hull, Steve McCaig
24 January 2023
Beyond the medals: a cross-sectional study exploring retired elite female athletes’ healthJane Thornton, Casey Rosen, Margie Davenport, Margo Lynn Mountjoy, Paul Dorian, Vincent Gouttebarge, Becky Breau, Eva Pila, Kristen Reilly, Jane Yuan, Kelly Mok, Steve Di Ciacca, Mark Speechley, Kay Crossley
11 January 2023
Previous injury, sex and well-being are associated with injury profiles in 422 adolescent elite athletes of age 15–16 years: a 20-week longitudinal studyCecilia Fridén, Linda Ekenros, Philip von Rosen
10 January 2023
New sports, COVID-19 and the heat: sports injuries and illnesses in the Tokyo 2020 Summer OlympicsTorbjørn Soligard, Debbie Palmer, Kathrin Steffen, Alexandre Dias Lopes, Natalia Grek, Kentaro Onishi, Tomoyuki Shimakawa, Marie-Elaine Grant, Margo Mountjoy, Richard Budgett, Lars Engebretsen
20 December 2022
Incidence and burden of illness at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games held during the COVID-19 pandemic: a prospective cohort study of 66 045 athlete daysWayne Derman, Phoebe Runciman, Maaike Eken, Pieter-Henk Boer, Cheri Blauwet, Manos Bogdos, Guzel Idrisova, Esme Jordaan, James Kissick, Philipe LeVan, Jan Lexell, Fariba Mohammadi, Marcelo Patricio, Martin Schwellnus, Nick WebbornSee the full list of authors
13 December 2022
Risk of total hip arthroplasty after elite sport: linking 3304 former world-class athletes with the Norwegian Arthroplasty RegisterDaniel Hoseth Nilsen, Ove Furnes, Gard Kroken, Trude Eid Robsahm, Marianne Bakke Johnsen, Lars Engebretsen, Lars Nordsletten, Roald Bahr, Stein Atle Lie
7 December 2022
Epidemiology of MRI-detected muscle injury in athletes participating in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic GamesHiroki Katagiri, Bruce B Forster, Lars Engebretsen, Jae-Sung An, Takuya Adachi, Yukihisa Saida, Kentaro Onishi, Hideyuki Koga
5 December 2022
IOC consensus statement on recommendations and regulations for sport events in the heatSebastien Racinais, Yuri Hosokawa, Takao Akama, Stephane Bermon, Xavier Bigard, Douglas J Casa, Andrew Grundstein, Ollie Jay, Andrew Massey, Sergio Migliorini, Margo Mountjoy, Nebosa Nikolic, Yannis P Pitsiladis, Wolfgang Schobersberger, Juergen Michael SteinackerSee the full list of authors
23 September 2022
Is there a mitochondrial DNA haplogroup connection between osteoarthritis and elite athletes? A narrative reviewJohanne Martel-Pelletier, Jean-Pierre Pelletier
16 September 2022
Investigating coaches’ recognition of symptoms of eating disorders in track athletesMargaret Catherine Macpherson, Róisín Harrison, Dannette Marie, Lynden K Miles
18 August 2022