Not all adverse health outcomes in former contact sports athletes are concussion relatedEmma R Russell, Thomas McCabe, William Stewart
13 November 2020
Hamstring muscle injury in the athlete: state of the artHolly J Silvers-Granelli, Moises Cohen, João Espregueira-Mendes, Bert Mandelbaum
12 November 2020
Correction: Prevalence of total hip and knee arthroplasty in former National Football League players: comparison with the general US population and other populations of professional athletes7 November 2020
Serum neurofilament light chain predicts long-term prognosis in Guillain-Barré syndrome patientsLorena Martín-Aguilar, Pol Camps-Renom, Cinta Lleixà, Elba Pascual-Goñi, Jordi Díaz-Manera, Ricardo Rojas-García, Noemi De Luna, Eduard Gallardo, Elena Cortés-Vicente, Laia Muñoz, Daniel Alcolea, Alberto Lleó, Carlos Casasnovas, Christian Homedes, Gerardo Gutiérrez-GutiérrezSee the full list of authors
5 November 2020
Comparison of neurofilament light chain results between two independent facilitiesTobias Sejbaek, Jason P Mendoza, Natasha Penner, Jonna Skov Madsen, Dorte Aalund Olsen, Zsolt Illes
19 October 2020
Comparison between plasma and cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for the early diagnosis and association with survival in prion diseaseSamir Abu-Rumeileh, Simone Baiardi, Anna Ladogana, Corrado Zenesini, Anna Bartoletti-Stella, Anna Poleggi, Angela Mammana, Barbara Polischi, Maurizio Pocchiari, Sabina Capellari, Piero Parchi
13 September 2020
Prevalence of total hip and knee arthroplasty in former National Football League players: comparison with the general US population and other populations of professional athletesAdam S Tenforde, Bryan Cortez, Jillian Baker, Joanne Borg-Stein, Meagan Wasfy, Aaron L Baggish, Ross Zafonte
4 September 2020
Effect of high-caloric nutrition on serum neurofilament light chain levels in amyotrophic lateral sclerosisJohannes Dorst, Joachim Schuster, Jens Dreyhaupt, Simon Witzel, Jochen H Weishaupt, Jan Kassubek, Ulrike Weiland, Susanne Petri, Thomas Meyer, Torsten Grehl, Andreas Hermann, Berit Jordan, Julian Grosskreutz, Daniel Zeller, Matthias BoentertSee the full list of authors
14 August 2020
Nervous system: subclinical target of SARS-CoV-2 infectionSara Mariotto, Alessia Savoldi, Katia Donadello, Serena Zanzoni, Silvia Bozzetti, Sara Carta, Cecilia Zivelonghi, Daniela Alberti, Francesco Piraino, Pietro Minuz, Domenico Girelli, Ernesto Crisafulli, Simone Romano, Denise Marcon, Giacomo MarchiSee the full list of authors
14 August 2020
Epidemiology of injuries in professional football: a systematic review and meta-analysisAlejandro López-Valenciano, Iñaki Ruiz-Pérez, Alberto Garcia-Gómez, Francisco J Vera-Garcia, Mark De Ste Croix, Gregory D Myer, Francisco Ayala
1 June 2020